Zhiwei Wan

Zhiwei Wan из города Changchun, Китай. Родной город - changchun. Биография Zhiwei составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о высшем образовании, карьере, родственниках, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (7).

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Страна: Китай
Город: Changchun
Место рождения: changchun
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Семейное положение: неизвестно

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Игры: Foreign teacher’s work can be feed backed to our company at any time, if you have any suggestions and comments, please contact us, We’ll consider it seriously. 1、为什么选择万林外教 在万林登记的外教都要接受万林严格的面试、甄选、培训和管理,都是万嘉长期合作的外教,在这里你可以找到最优质的外教。 1. The reasons you choose foreign teachers from Wan jia All foreign teachers are registered in Wan Jia with long-term cooperation had a series of strict selection, interview, training and management, you can find the best teacher here. 2、经验丰富 每位教师都具备至少3年以上的教学经验,并且都具有原工作单位推荐信。 2. Experienced Every teacher has at least 3 years of teaching experience, and also has the previous company’s recommendation letter. 3、高资优质 每位教师都具备大学本科以上学历并持有教授英语的专业资格证书。 2. High quality University bachelor degree or above and English professional qualification certificate are the basic requirement for every teacher. 4、安全可靠 每位教师都具备本国的警察局和当地驻华大使馆出具的无犯罪证明。 4. Safe and reliable Each teacher has Criminal Check Certificate issued by their own police station and the local embassy. 万林涉及领域: Field of Wan Jia has involved. 学校全职兼职外教 很多人为外教不稳定而头疼?为外教的招聘发愁?为外教的管理苦恼?万嘉外教10年的积累经验,专注为学校提供兼职或全职外教。 Full-time and part-time teachers Schools always have a headache about foreign teachers shifting、 recruitment、management. Wan Jia applies the past decades experience of foreign teachers business to focus on providing part-time and full-time foreign teachers to schools. 最专业的幼儿教育外教团队 公司旗下拥有自己的双语幼儿园,近十年来始终专注于幼儿教育的研究与实践,因此本公司能为各类幼儿教育机构提供幼教领域最专业的外教团队。 The most professional foreign teachers group of early childhood. The company owns its own bilingual kindergarten, it has always focused on researching and practicing in early childhood education in the past decade, so our company can provide all kinds of preschool education institutions with preschool education and it’s the most professional foreign teachers group in the field. 企业商务英语外教 提高企业综合竞争力,开阔员工视野,帮助员工深入了解外籍客户,减少因文化差异造成合作机会的流失,万嘉外教倾力为企业打造国际化团队。 Enterprise Business foreign English teacher Improve the comprehensive competitiveness
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Интересы: Its the best place to teach, to study and to travel! Wanjia foreign language is an agency specialized in spoken English. It is located in Changchun of Jilin Province of P.R. China. Changchun is a very beautiful city in the center of North-Eastern China. Our classes only have 10-15 students so you everyone will have a chance to communicate. Our classrooms are bright, clean and well equipped. We also have excellent teaching materials and local teachers to help teach the class. Kooco Language Center is now accepting applications for English teachers from the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Qualifications required: Native English speaker. College graduated. Willing to be an excellent organizer of classroom activities and assistant to our students. Be active and energetic in teaching. Applicants with teaching experience are preferred. We offer our teachers: 1. 8000-10000 RMB per month and 24 hours working each week at most 2. At least 2 days off each week. 3. Comfortable and free apartment with living utilities. 4. Free consulting about China travel. 5. If you would like to travel in China, you can get our help to reserve hotel rooms and airplane tickets. 6. Opportunities to free Chinese lessons (2 lectures a week) including basic Chinese culture(Chinese painting, Chinese kongfu, Chinese traditional medicine) 7. Free teaching training. Note: Because everything in this city is very cheap, our teachers will save the expenditure by 70-80% each month. If you really interested in working here, you are welcomed to email your resume to 1134738750qq.com
О себе: 吉林省万林翻译有限公司成立于2003年,是经政府批准的一家专门引进和推介外籍教师和外国专门人才的中介性机构。多年来一直严格按照国家外专局的有关规定,积极开展外籍教师的招聘业务,注重外籍教师的学识与个人素质的培训,通过考核择优录取,面向社会各领域和各类院校提供高素质的外籍教师。我们的老师来自美国、加拿大、意大利、罗马尼亚、英国、澳大利亚、南非等以英语为母语的国家。他们教学经验丰富、风趣幽默、文明礼貌、有爱心、了解学生的心理特点,教学方式灵活多样,活泼有趣,发音清晰准确,热爱中国文化,具有敬业精神,可为师,可为友。 Wan Jia Languages Services Co. Ltd. of Jilin was established in 2003, it was approved by the government and specialized in introducing and recommending foreign teachers institution. Wan Jia has been strictly in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of China, actively expand of hiring foreign teachers, pay extra attention to the teacher’s knowledge and quality, choose the best teacher through test, and provide highly-qualified teachers to all kinds of school. Our teachers are from the United States, Canada, Italy, Romania, Britain, Australia, South Africa and other native English-speaking countries. They have lots of teaching experience, also humorous, polite, caring and know student’s mentality. The ways of the teaching are flexible and varied, live and interesting. They love Chinese culture, have the professional dedication, so they can be teachers and can be your friends. 我公司拥有一支高素质、高水平的师资队伍和管理团队。我们有能力承担外教授课培训和企业员工外语培训等各种大型语言培训工作。外教的工作情况可随时反馈至我公司,如有建议和意见,可及时沟通,妥善解决。 Our company has a high-quality, high level of teaching staff ,management team and has the ability to offer foreigner teacher training 、employee training of foreign language , all kinds of large-scale language training work and so on
Деятельность: 公司名字:吉林省万林外教派遣有限公司地址:吉林省长春市 南关区 723号 电话: 经理电话:18626719129邮箱:[email protected] Wan linLanguages Services Co. Ltd. of Jilin Address: NO.723,Nanguan District, Changchun City Tel: 18626719129 E-mail: [email protected] QQ:1134738750
Владение языками: English, 汉语, Русский

Жизненная позиция

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Любимые цитаты: Teaching in Changchun, China and other cities up to 700 Euros per month with free accommodation, low teaching hours, two days off per week, start immediately. Great teaching positions in Changchun, Jilin Province, China. Changchun is a beautiful city located on northeast China, the costs of living is not high, you’ll find your salary goes a long way there, and the working environment is not as crowding and noisy as that in the other cities in China. Also we have cooperations with schools in other cities, so there are a lot of opportunities to work in different cities. The salary is 400-700 Euros per month, free apartment offered, free meals in the school cafeteria will be provided during the working days. The schedule is quite low as less than 88 teaching hours per month, two days off a week and also the holiday is made according to Chinese government’s regulations. Non-native speakers with perfect English accent and teaching experience will be accepted. The salary is from 400 to 600 Euros, depends on your English accent and teaching experience. For native speakers, the salary is from 550-700 Euros, depends on your teaching experience. If you can speak some Chinese and are well-mannered, you will be much appreciated. There is a solid teacher team and you're sure to be warmly welcomed. We will be accepting online interviews and you'll be able to receive a contract over the internet as well as all the correct legal paperwork processed before you arrive in China. Requirements: - British, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Irish, South African, German, South American or Other European Passport holders - Bachelor degree in any field - Experienced in teaching children or if you have no experience, we’ll provide teacher training when you arrived
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Высшее образование

长春大学 (Changchun University), дата окончания: не указана Китай, Changchun

Работа и карьера

wanj international foreign language company
2012 Китай, Changchun

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Фёдорова Диана, Россия
Диана Фёдорова
Россия, 25 лет
Думанська Анна, Украина, Хмельницкий
Анна Думанська
Украина, Хмельницкий, 37 лет
Тишины Ллирик, Россия, Москва
Ллирик Тишины
Россия, Москва
Chen Hong, Китай, Changchun
Hong Chen
Китай, Changchun, 39 лет
Устюжанов Андрей, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Андрей Устюжанов
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, 40 лет
Борисова Наталья, Россия, Москва
Наталья Борисова
Россия, Москва

Справочная информация

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Другие люди по имени «Zhiwei»

Cao Zhiwei, Китай, Guangzhou
Zhiwei Cao
Китай, Guangzhou, 38 лет
Guo Zhiwei, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Zhiwei Guo
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Li Zhiwei, Украина, Киев
Zhiwei Li
Украина, Киев, 43 года
Liu Zhiwei, Китай, Xining
Zhiwei Liu
Китай, Xining, 35 лет
Li Zhiwei, Китай, Henan Mongol Autonomous County
Zhiwei Li
Китай, Henan Mongol Autonomous County

Другие люди с фамилией «Wan»

Wan Mariya, Россия, Красноярск
Mariya Wan
Россия, Красноярск
Wan Er, Малайзия, Kuala Lumpur
Er Wan
Малайзия, Kuala Lumpur
Wan Naw, Мьянма, Taunggyi
Naw Wan
Мьянма, Taunggyi, 37 лет
Wan Wan, Таиланд, Bangkok
Wan Wan
Таиланд, Bangkok, 31 год
Wan Obi, Россия, Дубна
Obi Wan
Россия, Дубна
Wan Anonymous, Украина, Киев
Anonymous Wan
Украина, Киев
Wan Karin, Россия, Москва
Karin Wan
Россия, Москва, 27 лет
Wan Neng, Китай, Kunming
Neng Wan
Китай, Kunming, 37 лет