Страна: | Италия |
Город: | скрыто или нет данных |
Место рождения: | скрыто или нет данных |
Возраст: | 39 лет |
Дата рождения: | 1 января 1986 |
Знак зодиака: | Козерог |
Семейное положение: | неизвестно |
Вы можете получить дополнительную информацию для профиля Fabio Polino, такую как фотографии, список друзей, список подписок на группы и сообщества, которая будет загружена из различных социальных сетей. Если указанная информация представляет для вас интерес, нажмите кнопку "Обновить профиль".
Обновить профиль сейчасМузыка: | скрыто или нет данных |
Фильмы: | Escape from Alcatraz Wall Street The Untouchables The Hangover |
ТВ передачи: | скрыто или нет данных |
Игры: | скрыто или нет данных |
Книги: | скрыто или нет данных |
Интересы: | make life a endless trip |
О себе: | Self-Confidence As someone with high self-confidence, you feel quite comfortable interacting with other people. Indeed, you find the company of others very stimulating and enjoy meeting new people. Your relaxed demeanor in groups makes people around you comfortable too. Perhaps because you feel comfortable talking about yourself, others tend to enjoy being around you and perceive you as socially competent. The confidence that helps you feel comfortable talking to people also spills into your own personal beliefs about yourself. Although you have several strengths, it’s likely that you also acknowledge and accept your weaknesses. But unlike some people, you take full responsibility for your actions—you rarely regret things you’ve done in the past and are not embarrassed easily. Perhaps the defining feature that sets you apart from most people is the exceptionally high standards that you set for yourself. Your competence in social gatherings as well as at work should provide ample evidence for this. With these characteristics, it’s very likely that people come to you for advice and generally think of you as someone with leader-like qualities. Family Orientation As someone who is oriented to familial matters, you value the company of family-members and domestic life. If you have children already, you enjoy spending time with them very much and work hard to be a good parent. If you don’t have children, you very much desire having children in the future. And your preference for cooking and entertaining guests at home will likely ease the transition into parenthood. You take pride in maintaining and cultivating a healthy family and work hard to achieve this. This natural tendency is easily illustrated by your preference for doing things around the house as opposed to going out to clubs and restaurants. What really sets you apart from people that are low in family orientation is that you know how to manage your frustrations and work well on your own. This means that you are well-equipped to manage a family without letting all the work that is involved wear you down. However, as someone with strong family values, all the work that is involved in maintaining a tidy home and well-stocked kitchen might occasionally make it difficult for you to finish everything that you need to do. Self-Control The self-control personality dimension captures the way in which a person regulates and directs him or herself. Being high in self-control can be both good and bad. Occasionally people may be compelled to follow their intuitions and give in to their temptations, and your degree of self-control reduces this from happening. This can be especially good in circumstances where focus and control are very important. However, on certain occasions being able to let loose and give in to one’s temptations can be fun and even healthy (as long as it’s in moderation). As someone who exerts a fair amount of control over your actions, you have the potential to stress yourself out too often. For example, you may be inclined to take more responsibility on projects, which isn’t always necessary. This might be because you have a tendency to attend to details and worry that others may not be able to do as good of a job noticing such details as yourself. You might feel uncomfortable delegating work to other people and as a result experience high amounts of stress. Although having strong self-control is generally good, you may feel frustrated when others do not recognize it as such. Your friends and coworkers might perceive your self-control as being stubborn. And, you probably find such people difficult to be with, especially in work contexts. What really sets you apart from people with low in self-control is that you have a tendency to experience strong emotions but work hard not to let your feelings influence how you make decisions. Moreover, you take pride in this unique ability eve |
Деятельность: | скрыто или нет данных |
Владение языками: | Italiano |
Политические взгляды: | либертарианские |
Религия и мировоззрение: | скрыто или нет данных |
Отношение к алкоголю: | скрыто или нет данных |
Отношение к курению: | скрыто или нет данных |
Главное в людях: | ум и креативность |
Главное в жизни: | совершенствование мира |
Любимые цитаты: | скрыто или нет данных |
Источники вдохновения: | скрыто или нет данных |
Politecnico di Bari, дата окончания: не указана Факультет: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell`Informazione
Кафедра: Ingegneria informatica
Италия, Bari |
Asset Manager
Италия, Roma |
Мобильный телефон: | скрыто или нет данных |
Домашний телефон: | скрыто или нет данных |
Skype: | скрыто или нет данных |
ВКонтакте | f.polino |
Одноклассники | скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
@ Мой Мир | скрыто или нет данных |
YouTube | скрыто или нет данных |
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