Страна: | Индонезия |
Город: | Jakarta |
Место рождения: | скрыто или нет данных |
Возраст: | скрыто или нет данных |
Дата рождения: | 19 апреля |
Знак зодиака: | Овен |
Семейное положение: | не состоит в браке, не женат |
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О себе: | Good manners are made up of young victims. The polite - Good manners are made up of young victims. Only the seeds of ideas to pick up the pot of cultures needs. The ideas of the seeds, reaping the benefits need to sweat. Laziness makes a person so slowly that poverty soon catch up with him Liberty. Laziness makes a person so slowly that poverty soon followed. Those who can not control their anger can win the most serious enemies. Who can withstand his anger can conquer the most dangerous enemy. Knowledge and skills are the tools the worker character. Knowledge and skills is a tool that determines the success of the character. A healthy person has hundreds of wishes, the patient has only one. A healthy person has a one hundred wishes of people who are sick only had one wish The doctor makes a healthy, nature creates a dictionary. physician to treat, and it creates a natural health. WHO says that people never have the time the laziest people. people who say do not have the time the lazy people. Politeness is the oil that reduces friction against each other. Santa politely, like oil, that reduces friction with each other. Ink droplets can move millions of people to think about. Ink droplets can move millions of people to think about. We can take out of our lives to what we put on it. What can we be in our lives depends on what we put into it. Real power is not affected, but straight to the point. Real power is not affected, but right on target If you leave everything to your luck, you made my life in the lottery. If your pocket just for luck, you make my life as a lottery. Real power is not affected, but straight to the point. Real power is not affected, but right on target. Be careful in the assessment of the views is a sign of wisdom. Account when assessing people's opinions is a sign of maturity of the soul. You know them singging birds, you're doing people out of their negotiations. Known to the singing of birds, one word. One ounce of prevention equals a pound of medici |
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Владение языками: | English |
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Любимые цитаты: | скрыто или нет данных |
Источники вдохновения: | скрыто или нет данных |
Мобильный телефон: | undercover |
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ВКонтакте | id173633782 |
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