Страна: | скрыто или нет данных |
Город: | Москва |
Место рождения: | Киров-Москва |
Возраст: | скрыто или нет данных |
Дата рождения: | 4 декабря |
Знак зодиака: | Стрелец |
Семейное положение: | неизвестно |
Вы можете получить дополнительную информацию для профиля Александра Маянского, такую как фотографии, список друзей, список подписок на группы и сообщества, которая будет загружена из различных социальных сетей. Если указанная информация представляет для вас интерес, нажмите кнопку "Обновить профиль".
Обновить профиль сейчасМузыка: | Hard-core Hard-Haus Hard-Electro Progresis-Haus Jump-Style Drum&Bass Minimal |
Фильмы: | All that make sense |
ТВ передачи: | Camedi club |
Игры: | Warcraft |
Книги: | All |
Интересы: | Muzyka Guljanki Vpiski sports |
О себе: | http://www.formspring.me/skosak |
Деятельность: | To learn to study and study and then to earn and rake in the shekels |
Владение языками: | Русский, עברית |
Политические взгляды: | социалистические |
Религия и мировоззрение: | скрыто или нет данных |
Отношение к алкоголю: | скрыто или нет данных |
Отношение к курению: | положительное |
Главное в людях: | доброта и честность |
Главное в жизни: | семья и дети |
Любимые цитаты: | Silly to lose favourite people, You love it, but won't be with it. You won't forgive the feelings never, Though you love, but you will leave for ever (). The glass will fall to a table, The knife will be dabbled in blood, The wolf will falter about a trap, God will choke with love (). The love beats directly in heart... It is necessary to you to reveal. It isn't similar to Tyler! But beats much more strongly. And here lying on a floor for the first time, you wouldn't like to fight any more... (). Shadow-fighting Lumen: Happens that you want to change something, To take away back that already has had time to tell - The same for a long time left conversation I remember and I regret till now... (). Words You remember, you certainly remember The first love and the first glass... Was abruptly... And then you have left... The writing-book of verses has torn half-and-half... (). Friends Tobacco smoke under дых.... I have moaned and have become silent.... Crude concrete under a cheek won't allow to me to forget about eternity of colds..... And uselessness of dreams to which I flied... (). How many...? Heroin paradise, and they there together, And we, probably, there will get On roads of veins, on paths of a dust, After all we so loved, we were... (c). Сид and Nensi The bus dusty twists miles... Dust and a heat me nearly haven't killed... And me freedom... And two wheels (). Fuck Off!!! Not to surrender, not to break, not to be gone, not to get off, not to break, To live, as if last time there is over us a sun, Among stone woods, houses, fetters to struggle For every instant illusive happiness, the sky to reach! (). One blood Calm me... Embrace me and hide For insults and failures! (). Calm me Even the sight has exchanged.... Became such impudent... (c). Take your time It as though heart in a vice... As though for an instant whisky has turned white... As though on те6я has rolled weariness... And from те6я remains nothing... As though there was a voice... But sheaves have torn... As though the dream was carried away quickly up... When at те6я select сво6оду... There is only a hatred.... Hatred.... Hatred... (). Very few people knows, for what he lives, We are afraid to admit it each other, We in general much and often are afraid, Repeating all same errors on a circle... In the world of the Internet and the SMS, We behind nicknames have hidden, at all all OK, But nobody will tell, what life present: We of six billions lonely people. It is not necessary to regret that so it has turned out: Life is fine also all in our hands. Give at first we will believe, and then and we will check up, That it is truth in practice, instead of in words... (). 6 billion So don't abuse me that I call a new storm. Give we will trust in it, and to spit that will be (). A storm Impregnated with a rage and nicotine, I for ever will remain teen th... (). Far One shouts: "White!", another shouts: "Black!", And in practice gray - go to the devil! (). Lie All has come to an end kind in me! It sinks in lie, burns on fire The quiet cynicism, the won rouble - I want to tell: "World", turns out: «Бля»! Наеби all near also creep to a feeding trough! Protect the nervous cages! (). While you slept We didn't touch a mask of frank rage and an indifference. I don't want, that dreams smelled as money! What for I have started to touch dream hands!? I try to run away from the cynicism!!! (c). Otherwise! Anybody from them doesn't want anything to change. (). To burn But if strongly to put pressure and try... (c). Race It is necessa |
Источники вдохновения: | музыка |
Центр образования №1458
начало обучения с 2005г.
выпуск 2010г.
Россия, Москва |
Школа №10 им. К. Э. Циолковского
начало обучения с 2010г.
выпуск 2011г.
Россия, Киров |
Калиновская средняя школа
начало обучения с 2011г.
выпуск 2013г.
Украина, Калиновка |
МГТУ МИРЭА, дата окончания: 2021 Факультет: Факультет заочной подготовки
Статус: Студент (специалист), Заочное отделение
Россия, Москва |
Директор гортопа
1994 - 2013 | Россия, Москва |
Мобильный телефон: | скрыто или нет данных |
Домашний телефон: | скрыто или нет данных |
Skype: | httpsvk.comavtobungalo |
ВКонтакте | skosak |
Одноклассники | скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
@ Мой Мир | скрыто или нет данных |
YouTube | скрыто или нет данных |
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