Страна: | США |
Город: | скрыто или нет данных |
Место рождения: | Canton, TX |
Возраст: | 36 лет |
Дата рождения: | 28 марта 1989 |
Знак зодиака: | Овен |
Семейное положение: | не состоит в браке, не женат |
Вы можете получить дополнительную информацию для профиля Alan Landrum, такую как фотографии, список друзей, список подписок на группы и сообщества, которая будет загружена из различных социальных сетей. Если указанная информация представляет для вас интерес, нажмите кнопку "Обновить профиль".
Обновить профиль сейчасМузыка: | John Foreman, Relient K, Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, The Beatles |
Фильмы: | Inception, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek |
ТВ передачи: | Burn Notice, Psych |
Игры: | Medieval 2: Total War (strategy), Fifa 2013, Mass Effect Trilogy |
Книги: | The Count of Monte Christo, The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Till We Have Faces, The Great Divorce, The Book of John |
Интересы: | Russia, Literature, History, Theology, Music |
О себе: | I've known the purest Love, Yet failed it every time. I've seen Eternal Glory, Yet never really died. Thus what I am is all it is: In damning death I'm born. Thus what He is is all I want: His love is like the storm. The thunders roar His majesty. The clouds echo His grace. And like the gale His judgment comes On Adam's weary race. His beauty, then, is like the rain; His mercy like the dawn. Within this orphaned heart of mine He resurrects a song. The song that Adam sang at first: "His presence is my light," My darkness flees across the fields And thus there dies the night. |
Деятельность: | Reading, Writing, Playing my Guitar, Teaching |
Владение языками: | English, Español, Русский |
Политические взгляды: | скрыто или нет данных |
Религия и мировоззрение: | Protestantism |
Отношение к алкоголю: | положительное |
Отношение к курению: | резко негативное |
Главное в людях: | доброта и честность |
Главное в жизни: | семья и дети |
Любимые цитаты: | "In His eagerness to save you, your God has also saved the Roman fleet." -Ben Hur "Cancer does not define me. Neither does being a wife or a mother. All these things are part of who I am but they do not define me. What defines me is my relationship with Jesus." -Rachel Barker ... "The problem with Truth is that it is easily ignored and perverted. It's nature will never change but man's opinion of it is in frequent, chaotic evolution. Every political rebellion, every religious conversion and every cry from a newborn that lands on the ears of their parents challenges a person's perception of Truth. Truth will never change, but human beings will always try to change it." -Stephen Alexander "If you say that absolutes do not exists, jump off a cliff and you will absolutely fall." (Personal) "No performances please, show me truth. I am in no mood to bear the audience of one who will wear a mask." -Stephen Alexander "You know when I tickle your belly and you have that moment of "mwah yeah," [Points to cereal] Well--this is mine." -Cereal commercial. "If you're not liberal when your twenty, you have no heart. If you're not conservative when your forty, you have no head." -Winston Churchill "We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out."-Winston Churchill "We often tell our friends and enemies much the same thing. We tell them, "...be good to me and don't hurt me." We hardly ever tell them, "...let me be the best I can for you." -Stephen Alexander |
Источники вдохновения: | Jesus Christ, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, John Calvin |
Имя | Степень родства | Дата рождения |
Charles Landrum | отец/мать | скрыто или нет данных |
Laura Landrum | отец/мать | скрыто или нет данных |
Canton High School |
Dallas Baptist University, дата окончания: 2011 Статус: Выпускник (бакалавр), Очное отделение
Россия, Москва |
Vladivostok International School
2011 - 2013 | Россия, Владивосток |
2013 | Россия, Хабаровск |
Мобильный телефон: | 89841592602 |
Домашний телефон: | +1 (903) 567 2794 |
Skype: | ca_landrum |
ВКонтакте | lost_texan |
Одноклассники | скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
@ Мой Мир | скрыто или нет данных |
YouTube | скрыто или нет данных |
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