Анна Крыштопина

Молдова, Кишинев, 23 года
Анна Крыштопина из города Кишинев, Молдова. Родилась 12.10.2002 в год Лошади по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Весы. Сейчас Анне 23 года. Биография Анны составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о среднем образовании, родственниках, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (3).

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Страна: Молдова
Город: Кишинев
Место рождения:
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Возраст: 23 года
Дата рождения: 12 октября 2002
Знак зодиака: Весы
Семейное положение: в отношениях

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Музыка: Lincoln personally directed the military operations, which led to victory over the Confederacy during the Civil War of 1861-1865. His presidential activities have led to the strengthening of executive power and the abolition of slavery in the United States. Lincoln included in the government of his opponents and was able to bring them to work on a common goal. President on the whole duration of the war kept the UK and other European countries against intervention. His presidency was built the transcontinental railroad, passed Homestead-act decided the agrarian question. Lincoln was an outstanding orator, his speeches inspired northerners and are a vivid legacy so far [3] [4]. After the war, he proposed a plan for Reconstruction moderate associated with the national agreement and waiver of revenge. April 14, 1865 Lincoln was mortally wounded in the theater, becoming the first US president killed. According to conventional wisdom and social surveys, it still remains one of the best and most beloved presidents of America [5] [6] [7], although during the presidency was subjected to severe criticism [8] [9] [10]
Фильмы: Lincoln was opposed to slavery spread, and his victory in the elections even more divided the American people. Even before his inauguration, seven southern states on the initiative of South Carolina announced its withdrawal from the US compound. The upper South (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Arkansas) initially rejected the appeal of the separatists, but soon joined the rebellion. Incumbent President James Buchanan and President-elect Lincoln refused to recognize the secession. In February 1861 a constitutional convention in Montgomery (AL) announced the formation of the Confederate States of America, and was elected president Jefferson Davis took the oath in the same month. Richmond became the state capital. Lincoln evaded possible assassins in Baltimore and 23 February 1861 in a special train arrived in Washington. During his inauguration on March 4 the capital was filled with troops to ensure order. In her speech, Lincoln said: I think that from the point of view of universal law and the Constitution of the Union of these States is eternal. Eternity, even if it is not expressed directly implied by the fundamental law of all state forms of rule. It is safe to say that no system of government as such has never had in its Basic Law provisions on the termination of its existence ... And again, if the United States is not a system of government in the proper sense of the word, and the state association, based simply on the contract, whether it is a contract, be peaceably dissolved fewer parties than it was when it was created? One side - the participant of the contract may violate it, ie to break, but do not require the consent of all to lawfully cancel the action? Based on these general principles, we arrive at the assertion that from a legal point of view, the Union forever, and this is confirmed by the history of the Union. ... It follows that none of the states do not have the right to purely on their own initiative to withdraw from the Union, which to that end solutions and resolutions have no legal force and acts of violence committed within any state (or states) against the Government of the United States acquire, depending on the circumstances of the rebel or revolutionary character. [35]
ТВ передачи: Fighting began April 12, 1861 attack on the Confederate Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, which, after 34 hours of shelling was forced to surrender. In response, Lincoln declared the southern states in a state of rebellion, ordered to block the Confederacy from the sea, called the army 75 000 volunteers, and later introduced conscription. Even before the inauguration of Lincoln to the south has been delivered a lot of weapons and ammunition, organized grips federal arsenals and warehouses [36]. It housed the most combat-ready parts, which were filled with hundreds of officers who left the federal army. Start of the Civil War for the North was unsuccessful. Southerners, prepared for combat, in a hurry to break the troops of the Union before the North mobilizes superior military and economic potential. Subjected to severe criticism for the military defeat and economic difficulties, Lincoln, despite the lack of military experience, took decisive steps to build an efficient army, not stopping even before the restrictions of civil liberties, or the expenditure of funds, not yet approved by Congress estimates [37]. In the first major battle in Virginia in Manassas railway station July 21, 1861 the federal army was defeated. November 1 Lincoln appointed Commander in Chief John. B. McClellan, avoid action. October 21 part were broken near Washington. November 8, 1861 was captured by the British steamer "Trent", which was carrying ambassadors southerners. This provoked "Trent affair" and nearly led to war against Great Britain
Игры: The political process [citation needed | edit wiki text] the plight of the federal army caused discontent among the population. Lincoln was under pressure from the Republican Party, which included both supporters of the immediate abolition of slavery, and pro gradual emancipation of the slaves. Lincoln followed the policy of compromise, so was able to prevent the split in the party. He was convinced that even in wartime, the political process must be carried out in the country. This allowed all along the Civil War to preserve the freedom of speech, to avoid serious restrictions of civil liberties and the crisis of the two-party system. The presidency of Lincoln held elections, citizens participate in government. After the attack on Fort Sumter southern part of the Democratic Party members formed the "loyal opposition" that supports the government's policy. August 22, 1862 in an interview with the newspaper "New York Tribune" on the question of why it is slow in freeing slaves, Lincoln replied:
Книги: In February-March 1862, General Ulysses S. Grant was able to oust the southerners from Tennessee and Kentucky. By the summer he was released Missouri, and Grant's troops entered the northern regions of Mississippi and Alabama. As a result of the landing operation April 25, 1862 New Orleans was captured. McLellan was dismissed from the Lincoln-chief post and put in charge of one of the armies, whose task is to capture Richmond. McLellan chose defensive actions instead of offensive. August 29-30, northerners were defeated in the second battle of Bull Run, and then Lincoln announced call 500 000 people. September 7 near the stream Antetam 40000th army was attacked South 70000th army of McClellan defeated the Confederates. Spill Potomac River Lee cut off escape routes, but McLellan, despite the order of Lincoln, declined to attack and missed the opportunity to complete the defeat of the Southerners. After the battle of Antetama Britain and France refused to join the war and recognize the Confederacy. Russia in the war to maintain friendly relations with the United States. The Russian squadron in the years 1863-1864 paid a visit to San Francisco and New York. 1862 and marked the first in the history of the battle of armored vehicles, occurred March 9 off the coast of Virginia. The campaign in 1862 ended in defeat when northerners Frideriksberge December 13
Интересы: As expansion opponent of slavery into new territories, it was one of the founders of the Republican Party, was chosen as its presidential candidate and won the election in 1860. His election was the signal for secession of the southern states and the emergence of the Confederacy. In his inaugural speech called for the reunification of the country, but could not prevent the conflict
О себе: The failures in the war and its tightening gradually changed Lincoln's attitude to the issue of slavery. He came to the conclusion that the United States will either completely free or completely slave. It became clear that the main objective of the war - the Union of restoration, became unattainable without the abolition of slavery. Lincoln always stood for the gradual release of the Negro on a reimbursable basis, is now believed that slavery should be abolished. Preparing for the abolition of the institute was carried out throughout 1862. December 30, 1862, the president signed "Emancipation Proclamation", announced blacks living in the territories in rebellion against the United States, "now and forever" free. The document gave impetus to the adoption of Amendment XIII (1865) to the US Constitution, which abolished slavery in the United States. Proclamation been rightly criticized by radical Republicans, since the liberation of slaves was carried out where there is no extended power of the federal government, but it has changed the character of the civil war, turning it into a war for the abolition of slavery. In addition, it has forced foreign governments, including the UK, do not support the Confederacy. British Prime Minister Palmerston could not organize the intervention due to public resistance. The liberation of slaves allowed to carry out a set of black Americans in the army. By the end of the war in federal troops there were 180,000 African Americans.
Деятельность: He grew up in a family of a poor farmer. From an early age he engaged in physical labor. Due to the heavy financial situation of the family attended school less than a year, but managed to learn to read and write and to love books. Becoming an adult, he began an independent life, to educate ourselves, passed the exams and received permission to practice law. During the Indian uprising in Illinois he joined the militia, was elected captain, but the fighting did not participate. There was also a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Illinois House of Representatives of the US Congress, which opposed the US-Mexican War. In 1858 he became a candidate for the US Senate, but lost the election
Владение языками: English, Русский

Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды: либеральные
Религия и мировоззрение: Православие
Отношение к алкоголю: негативное
Отношение к курению: негативное
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Главное в жизни: совершенствование мира
Любимые цитаты: At the initiative of Abraham Lincoln's act of Homestead was adopted May 20, 1862, according to which every citizen of the United States over 21 years and fought on the side of the Confederacy, could receive no more than 160 acres (65 hectares) after payment of the registration of the land public fund land collect $ 10. The law went into effect January 1, 1863. The settler, who took to the cultivation of the land and began to build on it the structure, receive free ownership of the land at the end of 5 years. The plot could be purchased in the property ahead of time and, upon payment of $ 1.25 per acre. At Homestead Act in the US-were distributed around 2 million Homestead, a total area of ​​285 million acres (115 million hectares). This law radically decided agrarian problem by giving the development of agriculture by farming the way, led to the move still desert areas and provided Lincoln support the broad masses of the population [38]
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