Карина Исаева

США, New York City, день рождения 2 февраля
Карина Исаева из города New York City, США. Родилась 2 февраля в городе Питер, знак зодиака Водолей. Семейное положение: не замужем. Биография Карины составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о высшем образовании, карьере, социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (52).

Основная информация

Страна: США
Город: New York City
Место рождения: Питер
скрыто или нет данных
Дата рождения: 2 февраля
Знак зодиака: Водолей
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не замужем

Место жительства


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Интересы и увлечения

Музыка: lil wayne, YMCB, west cost old school
Фильмы: “One of the things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book or for another book; give it, give it all, give it now. The impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now. Something more will arise for later, something better.” ― Annie Dillard, The Writing Life "If you're going to be crazy, you've got to get paid for it, otherwise you're going to get locked up." -Hunter S. Thompson “You fight your superficiality, your shallowness, so as to try to come at people without unreal expectations, without an overload of bias or hope or arrogance, as untanklike as you can be, sans cannon and machine guns and steel plating half a foot thick; you come at them unmenacingly on your own ten toes instead of tearing up the turf with your caterpillar treads, take them on with an open mind, as equals, man to man, as we used to say, and yet you never fail to get them wrong. You might as well have the brain of a tank. You get them wrong before you meet them, while you're anticipating meeting them; you get them wrong while you're with them; and then you go home to tell somebody else about the meeting and you get them all wrong again. Since the same generally goes for them with you, the whole thing is really a dazzling illusion. ... The fact remains that getting people right is not what living is all about anyway. It's getting them wrong that is living, getting them wrong and wrong and wrong and then, on careful reconsideration, getting them wrong again. That's how we know we're alive: we're wrong. Maybe the best thing would be to forget being right or wrong about people and just go along for the ride. But if you can do that -- well, lucky you.” ― Philip Roth, American Pastoral "The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities, relationships, person and family history, belief systems, and often also political, nationalistic, racial, religious, and other collective identifications. None of these is you." -Eckhart Tolle “That he'll never let you down. That boy's got a heart the size of Kentucky, and he loves you. That's important. Take it from someone who knows. My mom used to tell me that whatever you do, marry someone who loves you more than you love him. And I listened to her." -Nicholas Sparks, The Guardian “That scene in the office stayed with me. Those cigars, the fine clothes. I thought of good steaks, long rides up winding driveways that led to beautiful homes. Ease. Trips to Europe. Fine women. Were they that much more clever than I? The only difference was money, and the desire to accumulate it. I'd do it too! I'd save my pennies. I'd get an idea, I'd spring a loan. I'd hire and fire. I'd keep whiskey in my desk drawer. I'd have a wife with size 40 breasts and an ass that would make the paperboy on the corner come in his pants when he saw it wobble. I'd cheat on her and she'd know it and keep silent in order to live in my house with my wealth. I'd fire men just to see the look of dismay on their faces. I'd fire women who didn't deserve to be fired. . . I drank for some time, three or four days. I couldn't get myself to read the want ads. The thought of sitting in front of a man behind a desk and telling him that I wanted a job, that I was qualified for a job, was too much for me. Frankly, I was horrified by life, at what a man had to do simply in order to eat, sleep, and keep himself clothed. So I stayed in bed and drank. When you drank the world was still out there, but for the moment it didn't have you by the throat." ― Charles Bukowski, Factotum “You can be betrayed in your sleep. The whole world can tilt while you're dreaming of butterflies. You build your world around someone, and then
ТВ передачи: LOST, PARK AVENUE 666, BREAKING BAD, Single Ladies, Dexter!!!
Игры: "I don't want to pass through life like a smooth plane ride. All you do is get to breathe and copulate and finally die. I don't want to go with the smooth skin and the calm brow. I hope I end up a blithering idiot cursing the sun - hallucinating, screaming, giving obscene and inane lectures on street corners and public parks. People will walk by and say, "Look at that drooling idiot. What a basket case." I will turn and say to them, "It is you who are the basket case. For every moment you hated your job, cursed your wife and sold yourself to a dream that you didn't even conceive. For the times your soul screamed yes and you said no. For all of that. For your self-torture, I see the glowing eyes of the sun! The air talks to me! I am at all times!" And maybe, the passers by will drop a coin into my cup." -Henry Rollins "Our battered suitcases were were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life." - Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 5 “My old man had told me, ‘Get into anything where they hand you the money first and then hope to get it back. That’s banking and insurance. Take the real thing and give them a piece of paper for it. Use their money, it will keep coming. Two things drive them: greed and fear. One thing drives you: opportunity.’ Seemed like good advice. Only my father died broke. The best interpreter of the dream is the dreamer. Keep your money in your pocket. Or bet it on a good horse." -Charles Bukowski "I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work - a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it commensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too, by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail, among whom is already that one who will some day stand here where I am standing." -William Faulkner “Push it. Examine all things intensely and relentlessly. Thomas Merton wrote, 'there is always a temptation to diddle around in the contemplative life, making itsy-bitsy statues.' There is always an enormous temptation in all of life to diddle around making itsy-bitsy friends and meals and journeys for itsy-bitsy years on end. It is so self-conscious, so apparently moral, simply to step aside from the gaps where the creeks and winds pour down, saying, I never merited this grace, quite rightly, and then to sulk along the rest of your days on the edge of rage. I won’t have it. The world is wilder than that in all directions, more dangerous and bitter, more extravagant and bright. We are making hay when we should be making whoopee; we are raising tomatoes when we should be raising Cain, or Lazarus. Go up into the gaps. If you can find them; they shift and vanish too. Stalk the gaps. Squeak into a gap in the soil, turn, and unlock-more than a maple- a universe. This is how you spend this afternoon, and tomorrow morning, and tomorrow afternoon. Spend the afternoon. You can’t take it with you.” ― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
Книги: "The past is always with us. Where we come from, what we go through, how we go through it; all this shit matters. Like at the end of the book, ya' know, boats and tides and all. It's like you can change up, right, you can say you're somebody new, you can give yourself a whole new story. But, what came first is who you really are and what happened before is what really happened. It don't matter that some fool say he different 'cause the things that make you different is what you really do, what you really go through. Like, ya' know, all those books in his library. He frontin' with all them books, but if you pull one down off the shelf, none of the pages have ever been opened. He got all them books, and he hasn't read nearly one of them. Gatsby, he was who he was, and he did what he did. And 'cause he wasn't willing to get real with the story, that shit caught up to him." -The Wire "Stay hungry, stay foolish." -Steve Jobs "Practically everybody in New York has half a mind to write a book, and does." -Groucho Marx Study hard Think quietly Act frankly Await occasions Hurry never Explore Dream Discover Be sincere Be brief Be seated I'm still the straw that stirs the drink ;) "Let us toast to animal pleasures, to escapism, to rain on the roof and instant coffee, to unemployment insurance and library cards, to absinthe and good-hearted landlords, to music and warm bodies and contraceptives... and to the "good life" whatever it is and wherever it happens to be." - Hunter S. Thompson I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost (The Road Not Taken) "To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; to bear all cheerfully, do all brav...ely, await occasions, hurry never. In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden, and unconscious grow up through the common. This is to be my symphony." -William Henry Channing
Интересы: "She was desperate and she was choosey at the same time and, in a way, beautiful, but she didn't have quite enough going for her to become what she imagined herself to be.” -Factorum “Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.” ― G.K. Chesterton "My crown is in my heart, not in my head, Nor decked with diamonds and Indian stones, Nor to be seen; my crown is called contentment; A crown it is, that seldom kings enjoy." ~William Shakespeare “Never love a wild thing, Mr. Bell, ' Holly advised him. 'That was Doc's mistake. He was always lugging home wild things. A hawk with a hurt wing. One time it was a full-grown bobcat with a broken leg. But you can't give your heart to a wild thing: the more you do, the stronger they get. Until they're strong enough to run into the woods. Or fly into a tree. Then a taller tree. Then the sky. That's how you'll end up, Mr. Bell. If you let yourself love a wild thing. You'll end up looking at the sky." "She's drunk, " Joe Bell informed me. "Moderately, " Holly confessed....Holly lifted her martini. "Let's wish the Doc luck, too, " she said, touching her glass against mine. "Good luck: and believe me, dearest Doc -- it's better to look at the sky than live there. Such an empty place; so vague. Just a country where the thunder goes and things disappear.” ― Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany's “What did Nabokov and Joyce have in common, apart from the poor teeth and the great prose? Exile, and decades of near pauperism. A compulsive tendency to overtip. An uxoriousness that their wives deservedly inspired. More than that, they both lived their lives 'beautifully'--not in any Jamesian sense (where, besides, ferocious solvency would have been a prerequisite), but in the droll fortitude of their perseverance. They got the work done, with style. Perhaps there are other bits of my life that would take on content, take on shadow, if only I read more and thought less about money.” ― Martin Amis" "There’s no such thing as too far. You understand? You push everything as far as you can. You push and you push and you push until it starts pushing back. And then you push some god damned more. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can’t. Either way a sale is made, the only question is who is gonna close? You or him? So now that you know what’s possible, let me tell you what’s required. You are required to work your ass off. We want winners, not pikers. A piker is someone who walks at the bell. A piker asks how much vacation time he gets in the first year. See, people work here to become filthy rich. No other reason. That’s it. You want vacation time? Go teach third grade public school. Now be relentless, that’s it, I’m done." -Jim Young from the Boiler Room
О себе: I don't speak Russian...really!
Деятельность: Hi! :-) to save our time let me introduce myself. My name is Karry and I'm originally from New York. I am currently living and working in St. Petersburg, a beautiful city in Russia. I'm a writer, half-time PR manager and ex-model. I do NOTspeak russian language. Many people ask me - why did I come to Russia? That doesn't matter really... Not once you cross the ocean and cut yourself loose, looking for something more beautiful, something more exciting and yes, I admit, something more dangerous. So after eighteen hours in the back of an airplane, three dumb movies, two plastic meals, six beers and absolutely no sleep, I finally touch down...in Russia! :-)
Владение языками: Русский, English

Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды:
скрыто или нет данных
Религия и мировоззрение: Буддизм
Отношение к алкоголю: положительное
Отношение к курению: негативное
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Главное в жизни: саморазвитие
Любимые цитаты:
скрыто или нет данных
Источники вдохновения: Music, Fashion, Food

Высшее образование

МГУ, дата окончания: не указана
Факультет: Факультет мировой политики
Россия, Москва
СПбГЭУ (ранее ФИНЭК, ИНЖЭКОН, СПбГУСЭ), дата окончания: не указана
Факультет: Факультет экономики и финансов
Россия, Санкт-Петербург

Работа и карьера

UCF model agency 2006  -  2008 США, New York City
www.freshmodels.ru 2009  -  2010 Россия, Москва

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Константинов Иван, Россия, Петрозаводск
Иван Константинов
Россия, Петрозаводск, 40 лет
Vladimirov Anton, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Anton Vladimirov
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Кузнецов Евгений, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Евгений Кузнецов
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Вершелович Макарка, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Макарка Вершелович
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, 34 года
Carlo Monte, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Monte Carlo
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Волк Миша, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Миша Волк
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Trendy Be, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Be Trendy
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Украинцева Жанна, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Жанна Украинцева
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Утяшев Артем, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Артем Утяшев
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Moon Дмитрий, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Дмитрий Moon
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, 34 года
Цветков Алексей, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Алексей Цветков
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Bovkun Antony, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Antony Bovkun
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Иванов Роман, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Роман Иванов
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Петров Андрей, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Андрей Петров
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Осадчук Филипп, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Филипп Осадчук
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Макеева Танюшка, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Танюшка Макеева
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, 35 лет
Киселёв Артемий, Россия, Москва
Артемий Киселёв
Россия, Москва
Олерских Владислав, Россия, Москва
Владислав Олерских
Россия, Москва
У Карины Исаевой также имеются еще 32 других контакта в социальных сетях.
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Карле Карина, Казахстан, Петропавловск
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Саяпова Карина, Казахстан, Петропавловск
Карина Саяпова
Казахстан, Петропавловск, 20 лет
Кетлерин Карина, Казахстан, Петропавловск
Карина Кетлерин
Казахстан, Петропавловск, 19 лет
Романова Карина, Казахстан, Петропавловск
Карина Романова
Казахстан, Петропавловск, 20 лет
Филатова Карина, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Карина Филатова
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Былкина Карина, Россия, Москва
Карина Былкина
Россия, Москва
Ковальчук Карина, Казахстан, Петропавловск
Карина Ковальчук
Казахстан, Петропавловск
Кудрявцева Карина, Казахстан, Петропавловск
Карина Кудрявцева
Казахстан, Петропавловск, 18 лет

Другие люди с фамилией «Исаева»

Исаева Алина, Казахстан, Петропавловск
Алина Исаева
Казахстан, Петропавловск, 19 лет
Исаева Камилла, Казахстан, Есиль
Камилла Исаева
Казахстан, Есиль, 20 лет
Исаева Елена, Россия, Юрга
Елена Исаева
Россия, Юрга
Исаева Виктория, Россия, Омск
Виктория Исаева
Россия, Омск, 22 года
Эвелина Исаева
Казахстан, Алматы, 20 лет
Исаева Кама, Азербайджан, Баку
Кама Исаева
Азербайджан, Баку
Исаева Милана, Россия, Краснодар
Милана Исаева
Россия, Краснодар