Страна: | Индия |
Город: | Kolkata |
Место рождения: | Kolkata |
Возраст: | 47 лет |
Дата рождения: | 28 мая 1978 |
Знак зодиака: | Близнецы |
Семейное положение: | не состоит в браке, не женат |
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Обновить профиль сейчасМузыка: | скрыто или нет данных |
Фильмы: | скрыто или нет данных |
ТВ передачи: | скрыто или нет данных |
Игры: | скрыто или нет данных |
Книги: | скрыто или нет данных |
Интересы: | Travelling |
О себе: | We at Support Tourism bring together a highly trained team of consultants who are travellers, Wild lifers, Naturalists, Travel & Wildlife Photographers and Travel Writers with overs of experience in the Travel and Tourism industry. A team which has the expertise and confidence to handle the most complex and challenging tasks and situations they face. Our travel consultants are professional, friendly, and experienced in accommodating both types of travellers be he seasoned or an amateur. We pride ourselves in guest satisfaction. A large percentage of our guests are from repeat guests while many of our new guests are from word of mouth recommendations. We practice what we promise and promise what we practice. Test us to believe us and we promise to give you an experience to remember and cherish. |
Деятельность: | We at Support Tourism bring together a highly trained team of consultants who are travellers, Wild lifers, Naturalists, Travel & Wildlife Photographers and Travel Writers with overs of experience in the Travel and Tourism industry. A team which has the expertise and confidence to handle the most complex and challenging tasks and situations they face. Our travel consultants are professional, friendly, and experienced in accommodating both types of travellers be he seasoned or an amateur. We pride ourselves in guest satisfaction. A large percentage of our guests are from repeat guests while many of our new guests are from word of mouth recommendations. We practice what we promise and promise what we practice. Test us to believe us and we promise to give you an experience to remember and cherish. |
Владение языками: | English, हिन्दी |
Политические взгляды: | либеральные |
Религия и мировоззрение: | скрыто или нет данных |
Отношение к алкоголю: | компромиссное |
Отношение к курению: | компромиссное |
Главное в людях: | ум и креативность |
Главное в жизни: | развлечения и отдых |
Любимые цитаты: | "Sometimes in life we think we don't need anyone. But sometime we don't have anyone when we need... So don't let your best buddies go ever..." |
Источники вдохновения: | скрыто или нет данных |
2010 | Индия, Kolkata |
Мобильный телефон: | +91 8017255158 |
Домашний телефон: | +91 33 22152215 |
Skype: | supporttourism |
ВКонтакте | id180900612 |
Одноклассники | скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
@ Мой Мир | скрыто или нет данных |
YouTube | скрыто или нет данных |
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