Gilmer Fiestas

Страна и город проживания Gilmer Fiestas не определены. Родной город - Sechura - Piura - Perú. Семейное положение: не женат. Биография Gilmer составлена по данным полученным из открытых источников: информация о социальных сетях, контактах и друзьях (1).

Основная информация

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Город: Piura
Место рождения: Sechura - Piura - Perú
скрыто или нет данных
Дата рождения:
скрыто или нет данных
Знак зодиака:
скрыто или нет данных
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Место жительства


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Интересы и увлечения

Музыка: Pop. Urbano. Salsa. Cumbia. Electro latino
Фильмы: Cadena de favores. Una mente brillante. Lucy. Comedia
ТВ передачи: RT. CNN
Игры: Cartas. Bingo. Ajedrez
Книги: Maestría en Felicidad. La Última Oportunidad. Los de Andreas Moritz El Monje que vendió su Ferrari
Интересы: Aventura. Composición musical. Deportes. Compartir información, talento, tiempo, altruismo
О себе: There are 2 unique options in life: 1.-Do what you love. There is a saying that sums it up like this: "Work on what you like and you will never have to work". 2.-Love what you do while we achieve the conditions to parallel achieve what we like to do. We have not only come to the world to study, to work, to have a family and to die; because we have come to something else, each one has a mission. And part of it (and to achieve happiness) is "sharing." Share? Yes, we have not come to compete but to share: talents, experiences, time, information, resources with the least, share tips, ideas. Good luck and bad luck do not exist; they do not exist because we are creators and not victims of our reality. About my: I like to read everything so as not to be deceived by what they imposed on us since they were little, so as not to be deceived by the paradigm of medicine, people get sick for free; I read not to be deceived by the economic paradigm (but ask yourself "why economics, administration or accounting do not end poverty.) I also read not to be deceived by the political and religious environment, of course I believe in God, but not in the way they taught us, I read so that those 4 prevailing paradigms "do not influence my decisions", that's why I invite you, wake up! To wake up you can start investigating in videos on the internet about what speaks: José Luis Parise As for being always healthy (there are only 6 genetic diseases, only 6!): Bruce Lipton Regarding emotional education: Ismael Cala, In terms of happiness and what you have come to this world: Luis Ernesto Espinosa ("Chamalú"), In terms of spirituality in today's world and how to improve your businesses: Robin Sharma, In terms of financial education, books like: "The Money Code" by Raimon Samsó, "How to play Monopoly in Life Real "by Santiago RT I like to enjoy nature (feel, breathe, enjoy, you know what I mean). Musical composition, I am learning to play the piano. I work in a "metallurgical laboratory" 1 hour from where I live (Sechura, Piura - Peru). Business projects to be specified: music, raffles (lottery type), buying and selling (alibaba type), design (designing things that even the human being needs). Also "Social projects": in emotional and spiritual education since childhood, only then I believe that corruption will reduce. I like to invest in my growth, Right now I'm taking an online course by Jim Kwik to improve my memory, it's exciting, I recommend it. I am a collector of phrases and fragrances, talking about phrases: BE THE LANGUAGE THAT MUSIC IS WHAT KEEPS LIVING TO THE WORLD THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IN A RELATIONSHIP IS CONFIDENCE AND COMMUNICATION
Деятельность: Metalúrgico. Músico. Emprendedor existencial: "SOMOS CREADORES Y NO VÍCTIMAS DE NUESTRA REALIDAD". #LaEmociónCreaEnergía #Lab.Metalúrgico #Miskimayo #Composición #emprender #Proy.Social
Владение языками: English

Жизненная позиция

Политические взгляды: либеральные
Религия и мировоззрение:
скрыто или нет данных
Отношение к алкоголю:
скрыто или нет данных
Отношение к курению: резко негативное
Главное в людях: ум и креативность
Главное в жизни: совершенствование мира
Любимые цитаты: Donde yo te lleve.
Источники вдохновения: Robin Sharma y Chamalú

Телефоны, мессенджеры, социальные сети

Друзья и контакты

Справочная информация

Сайт не несет ответственность за достоверность и полноту представленной здесь информации, которая целиком и полностью получена из публичного открытого источника.

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