Страна: | скрыто или нет данных |
Город: | New York City |
Место рождения: | Long Island |
Возраст: | 56 лет |
Дата рождения: | 30 марта 1969 |
Знак зодиака: | Овен |
Семейное положение: | не состоит в браке, не женат |
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О себе: | Autoeroticasphyxium Zine (AEA Zine or AZ for short) has existed since the first issue’s release in January of 1997. Back then it was a typical underground fanzine supporting underground metal, punk and hardcore. While it still supports these genres the format has expanded to encompass entertainment you don’t usually read about in mainstream press. The zine covers the female goth mystique, metal and belly dancing, metal and ballet dancing, burlesque, morbid cabaret, fire dance, vampire literature, the occult and paranormal, science fiction, independent art, fetishism and sexuality, and internet radio in addition to extreme music. Its goal is to spread word about artists who dare break the mold of aboveground mediocrity, and does so with a vengeance. The zine also offers poetry, fiction and artwork from several contributors. Autoeroticasphyxium Issue #18 now available. Interviews with Bane, Corpsewax Dollies, Ryan Bartek, Cockfight Club, Demon Boy, Evil Lucifera, Heavy Metal Mayhem Radio, Gwendolyn Eve Hill, InDusTreeAlLace Productions, Luna Strega, Mary Magdalan, ] Sacred Legacy, Steel Dragon Entertainment, Strings Of Distorted Doom, Synapse Defect, Tiberius projecT and Naty Ugalde. Fiction: by Venger Satanis, Teddy Horse and Jesse Kahler. Art by Frank Garcia. Poems by Dena Arnote, Jillanna Babb. Will Lovelaw, Lushmontana, Rich Orth and Mae Nuwzud Taplin. Reviews by Jade Amazon, The Angry Princess, Liam Guy, Kevin Hansen, Jesse Kahler, Will Lovelaw, Tony Reborn, Rrockhopper, Twan Sibon, Victor Varas of Zombie and Dave Wolff Cover art by Winston Blakely of Blakelyworks. Art features by Dena Arnote, Frank Garcia and Lushmontana. $4.00 or free with trade. Write AEA, 3 Maple St. Garden City NY 11530-1812 USA or email [email protected]. http://www.myspace.com/aeafanzine http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001086755145 http://aeazine.blogspot.com http://www.youtube.com/zineaea http://vkontakte.ru/id109917476 http://www.sitemodel.net/aeazine http://aeazine.tumblr.com http://www.twitter.com/AEA_Zine http://signmeto.roadrunnerrecords.com/scouts/aeazine |
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Любимые цитаты: | “You can pick up a copy today. [AEA is] in all the social networks. It features some great underground metal music, some reviews, some poetry, as well as some great artwork.” -Frank “Artemortifica” Garcia “When I was interviewed for AEA #16, I was asked some of the smartest and most indepth questions ever. AEA knows how to get great content, and the diverse mix of artists will keep you hooked.” -The StarShip vocalist Nyq Bonaventura "Having read copies of AEA from issue #13 on, I have to say that of the five I have read, [Issue #17] is my new favorite!" -Poetry, Songs and Stygian Stories author Lucas McPherson "An awesome zine featuring an onslaught of my so-called poetry... plenty more to fixate upon..." -Jillanna Babb of Corpsewax Dollies "I love this issue [Issue #16]! In fact, it's one of my favorites... There are lots of music reviews, some movie reviews and even a book review." -Vampire Vignettes author GL Giles "If you are a very open-minded metal head and looking for more than the average metal band interview, then this is for you." -Reborn From Ashes zine "This fanzine sounds interesting not only for fans, but also as D.I.Y. independent production symbol, 1 still alive in the U.S.A." -Gusto Rana! zine "If you are looking for a virtually flawless old school style print Zine, that covers Metal bands as well as a variety of other subjects AEA should be on your list to check out." -Taste Of Khaos zine "Plenty of diverse material in the zine that makes it an interesting read from beginning to end." -The Fallout magazine "The content is eclectic and the independent productions (musically, literately and artistic in general) are the main priority." -Victor Varas of Zombie Ritual zine for Brutalism "[The] interviews and reviews are informative and interesting as reading content." -Antichrist zine "Muy bien por este trabajo en perfectas condiciones para que te enteres de lo esta pasando en u.s.a." -Sabbath zine "The indy zine does one thing at an excellent level that to my opinion puts it above the average zines out there... content." -RavenWolf "In the pages of [AEA] you'll find a wealth of info about the bands that make up the metal scene as well as those of us who work behind the scenes to help make local metal scenes possible..." -Metal Beer Horror zine “…Entertaining, so go check it out!” -Jenn Matthews, Jen’s Metal Page |
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