Страна: | ![]() |
Город: | Ижевск |
Место рождения: | Egypt |
Возраст: | скрыто или нет данных |
Дата рождения: | 27 июля |
Знак зодиака: | Лев |
Семейное положение: | не состоит в браке, не женат |
Вы можете получить дополнительную информацию для профиля Youssef Bojoov, такую как фотографии, список друзей, список подписок на группы и сообщества, которая будет загружена из различных социальных сетей. Если указанная информация представляет для вас интерес, нажмите кнопку "Обновить профиль".
Обновить профиль сейчасМузыка: | rock, rap, Mohamed Mounir, metal, David Guetta |
Фильмы: | action, horror, animation The Sixth Sense, Tears of the Sun, Lord of the rings movies, Den Brother, Harry Potter |
ТВ передачи: | friends |
Игры: | The Sims, Generals (Command and Conquer Generals) |
Книги: | Alfred Russel Walla, William Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy |
Интересы: | Cars |
О себе: | Ask to know!! |
Деятельность: | Scuba diving, Football, Ultras |
Владение языками: | English, Русский, العربية |
Политические взгляды: | скрыто или нет данных |
Религия и мировоззрение: | Islam |
Отношение к алкоголю: | положительное |
Отношение к курению: | положительное |
Главное в людях: | доброта и честность |
Главное в жизни: | красота и искусство |
Любимые цитаты: | #Don't Give in without a fight. By: "Pink Floyd" #So Much To do So Lil; Done ,Such things to be. By: "Lady Liz" #Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes by: "Gandhi" #A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself By: "Jim Morrison" #Any1 who isn't confused really doesn't understand the situation By: "Edward R. Murrow" #Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true By :"Niels Bohr" #I don't pretend to be an ordinary housewife. By: "Lady Liz" #If you're gonna be two-faced at least make one of them pretty.By: "Marilyn Monroe" #Life is like a blank page & you hold the pen. No one else is going to write it 4 u. #always be yourself life is too short to care about what others think. #Insanity : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.By:"Albert Einstein" #The mind is everything. What you think you become By: "Buddha" #Laughter is the best medicine" #Some people have been unkind. If I say I want to grow as an actress, they look at my figure. If I say I want to develop, to learn my craft, they laugh. Somehow they don't expect me to be serious about my work By: "Marilyn Monroe" #I fell off my pink cloud with a thud. By: "Lady Liz" #Once u define ur self, people opinions cant b ur reality By:"anonymous" #The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe.you have to make it fall-Ernesto By: "Che' Guevar" #Life is "trying things to see if they work." "Ray Bradbury" #Die For something better than Live for Nothing #Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory By: "Albert Schweitzer" #Wars come and go but my soldiers are eternal By: "Tupac Shakur" #I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief By: "Gerry Spence" #Waste No Time...Never regret..Better To Shine Than Just Reflect #If you never try, then you'll never know By: "Coldplay" #everything which is popular is wrong By: "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" #I Believe I Can Always Take The First Step ... I Believe Nothing Is Impossible For Human ... I Believe In True Love ... I Believe In Good Friends ... I Believe That Laughing Is So Healthy ... I Believe In God #A heart that sighs has not what its desire #I want to grow old without facelifts. I want to have the courage to be loyal to the face I have made. By: "Marilyn Monroe" #Think of the long view of life, not just what's going to happen today or tomorrow #Don't give up what you most want in life for something you think you want now #A poor man wiz real fr!end$ !$ alway$ wealthy #If u cant do great things, then u $hould do small things, in a great way #I rather have u hate me for who i am than love me for what i m not #The day U fall in love with someone U think is the happiest day of UR life But actually U become the weakest person who can't live without SOMEONE! By: "HITLER" ! adore to put them down and Of Course ma Fav Poet ever 3AMENA SALAH JAHIN rob3yat akeed and many of his Stuff R.I.P |
Источники вдохновения: | скрыто или нет данных |
Experimental Language School
начало обучения с 1995г.
выпуск 2008г.
Египет, Suez |
ИжГТУ им. М. Т. Калашникова (бывш. ИМИ), дата окончания: не указана Факультет: Машиностроительный факультет
Россия, Анапа |
Мобильный телефон: | 8929907918 |
Домашний телефон: | +201097038758 |
Skype: | Eng.joe |
ВКонтакте | bojoov |
Одноклассники | скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
скрыто или нет данных |
Youssefjoee | |
@ Мой Мир | скрыто или нет данных |
YouTube | скрыто или нет данных |
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